Have you ever run into a requirement where you need to share a static image of a map with things (e.g. Pins, Polylines, Areas etc.) drawn on it? My guess is that this is a regular requirement for social integrations/sharing use cases. Nowadays, almost every new product lets you share statistics (could be either related to user's activities on a new mobile app or just sharing a map where a couple of folks were just drawing lines etc.) on Facebook or Twitter or (is there a third :O?).
As it turns out, most of the big Map API providers i.e. Google and Bing, support what they call a static map API which essentially returns what you need. They return an image in response to a web call with stuff drawn on it as indicated in the HTTP request.
Below is a simple guide to get it done with Google APIs.
1. Get a key from Google Maps API portal.
2. You are set :). Just try out the sample URLs mentioned on the developer portal from your browser. Browser should display the picture.
3. Give it a try from Fiddler.
You are set to share map snapshots with others.
Only thing to keep in mind is the pricing model of different providers. For most general usage scenarios, this API is almost free.